Just thought that I had better get another entry into the blog before you thought I had forgotten you. Well, spring is well under way and many of the birds that had been south for the winter have returned. We had a great run with the Bluebirds out at Piper's Lagoon this year with the two males that hang around for almost three weeks! They haven't been seen for quite a while and have probably headed north for breeding.
Along with all of the birds coming back has been the start of the nesting season. Many birds have already fledged their first broods and have started on a second brood already. Must have been quite a challenge what with the slow start to the warmer weather. The large forest Owls such as the Great Horned and Barred Owl have finished their nesting and are now either hunting as individuals or are hunting with their newly fledged young in tow. Lots of Barred Owls in particular. At least I seem to be running into them where ever I go lately.
The activity at Cottle Lake has picked up a bit and I was scoping out a Western Tanager there the other day. Kind of hard to see all the birds now what with the heavy leaf cover but if you are patient you can get the odd glimpse of a real gem. The Tanagers are still hawking bugs at the tops of the maple trees so it will be a bit of time before they come down where we can get a good shot of them. Usually by mid June when the green caterpillars come out in the alder trees and they are busy feeding their young is the best time. You can see them at nearly eye level and on the odd occasion right down on the ground. Hopefully by my next post I will have some good close up photos of them.
Take care and thanks for tuning in,
Take care and thanks for tuning in,